
埃塞尔K. (Russeau)喷泉

“Aunt Ethel’s” gift makes college possible for 12 or more students each year 


这12名来自门罗县各地的学生是首批受益于埃塞尔K. (Russeau)喷泉. 

埃塞尔K. (Russeau)喷泉埃塞尔·罗素1927年出生于门罗. After graduating from Monroe High School, she married Ronald J. Fountain in 1952 和 the couple made their home in Monroe.  

作为一个非传统的成人学习者, she attended MCCC 和 earned a general business management certificate in 1976. 1992年退休前,她曾在密歇根贝尔电话公司担任总机操作员和门罗晚报的报纸组装员.  

埃塞尔和罗恩一生都很努力, 优秀的储蓄者和投资者,米歇尔·米泽尔说, 侄女和侄子中的一个. 罗恩于2000年去世. 

In 2015, 在意识到她已经积累了一笔可以对社区其他人产生巨大影响的钱之后, Ethel reached out to The Foundation at MCCC to explore options. Al虽然 many years had passed, she never forgot the impact MCCC had on her life.  

“She grew up poor, in a family that couldn’t afford to send anyone to college. She also believed that education was the key to earning a good living,” said Mizell. “Helping students through The Foundation was the right fit.”  

Ethel made the very generous decision to create the 埃塞尔K. (卢梭)喷泉造就了学术. 由她的遗产资助, the scholarship supports students enrolled in any of MCCC’s 13 applied technology programs. 作为一个非传统的学生, 她特别想支持那些回到大学为动手技术职业做准备的学生. 

“During the time we were working with her to establish her endowment, everyone in The Foundation came to fondly refer to her as ‘Aunt Ethel’,”医生说。. 约书亚W. 迈尔斯说,他是基金会的执行董事. 埃塞尔姨妈过着谦卑的生活. 她明智地储蓄和投资. As a result, she left a sizeable estate to which she dedicated 70 percent to her scholarship.”  

她于2018年去世, Ethel’s planned gift was the single largest scholarship donation in the history of the college, 超过700美元,000. In the 2019-2020 inaugural award year of the Fountain Endowed Scholarship, 12 students from all over Monroe County were recipients. “因为奖学金是捐赠的, 基金会将继续为无数更幸运的学生颁发巨额奖学金,”医生说。. 迈尔斯.  


Each of the ‘inaugural’ Fountain Endowed Scholarship recipients received $2,000美元的学费, 2019-2020学年的费用和书费. 该小组包括: 

纽波特的约翰·克拉格于2001年获得普通教育水平证书.  He will be attending MCCC to receive a degree in automotive service technology.  John is the son of John 和 Mary Clagg, husb和 to Jessica 和 father to Noah. 

Jazlyn Clark of Monroe is a 2018 graduate of Monroe High School. She is studying construction management technology while attending MCCC.  克拉克是希瑟和约翰·克拉克的女儿. 

Kyle Haener of Newport is a 2016 graduate of Jefferson High School.  他在中冶集团学习焊接技术.  Haener曾参加SkillsUSA焊接比赛,并且是MCCC校内篮球联赛的成员.  他是约翰和朗达·海纳的儿子. 

Dominic Hall of Lambertville is a 2019 graduate of Bedford Senior High School.  他将在MCCC攻读焊接或汽车专业的学位.  他是Cherise和Anthony Hall的儿子. 

 Jessica Hutson of Monroe is a 2019 graduate of Monroe High School.  She is studying nuclear engineering technology while attending MCCC.  哈特森是MHS全女子合唱团的成员,并自愿帮助消防探险队.  她是Donelda Kinne和Jeff Hutson的女儿. 

Cody Leach of Monroe is a 2018 graduate of Monroe High School.  He is pursuing a degree in welding technology while attending MCCC.  He volunteers his services on local farms to help groom, feed 和 tend to horses 和 other farm animals along with plowing fields, 修理设备和收割田地.  里奇是杰森和米歇尔·里奇的儿子. 

Michelee Ridgon of Monroe is a 2004 graduate of Monroe High School.  她正在MCCC完成建筑管理技术的副学士学位,然后计划转到东密歇根大学获得学士学位.  Ridgon is the daughter of Kenneth Ridgon 和 Rhonda Henhawk. 

John Robbins of Monroe is a 1993 graduate of Taylor Truman High School in Taylor, 密歇根.  He is studying mechanical design technology while at MCCC.  

Spencer Stevens of Monroe is a 2000 graduate of Monroe High School.  He is pursuing a mechanical design technology certificate while attending MCCC.  史蒂文斯自愿并曾为MCCC作为学生助理在介绍加工和CNC和介绍SOLIDWORKS类, 是学习助理实验室的导师,也是机械设计技术咨询委员会的学生代表.  史蒂文斯是梅根·贝利的配偶. 

Dominic Tedora of Monroe is a 2019 graduate of Monroe County Middle College.  他正在中冶集团攻读焊接技术学位,并计划转到费里斯州立大学攻读焊接工程学位.  He is currently training for his third black belt in Kai-Zen Do.  Tedora是derek Tedora和Danielle Nebehay的儿子. 
Destiny Watkin of Newport is a 2016 graduate of Jefferson High School.  She is pursuing a nuclear engineering degree while attending MCCC.  

Kendra Wegienka of Flat Rock is a 1993 graduate of Woodhaven High School, 布朗斯敦宪章镇, 密歇根.  She is pursuing a degree in welding technology while at MCCC.  她是马太和雅各的母亲. 

来自纽波特的Amber Wiener是弗吉尼亚州大石峡鲍威尔谷高中的2008届毕业生.  She is pursuing a degree in construction management technology while attending MCCC.  她参与了一个船屋/礼品店的设计项目,该项目将在密歇根州的克罗斯村建造.  她是小阿尔弗雷德·维纳的女儿. 还有金伯利·祖尼加和艾伦·尼克尔斯的母亲.  


基金会在ccc的成功和正在进行的重要工作是由于我们的捐助者的慷慨解囊. 阅读更多关于这些慷慨的人和组织,他们对MCCC产生了如此重要的影响, 我们的学生和我们的社区. 

雪莉一. 迈耶永远地改变了十大外围app.  1998年,仅仅两个月后 雪莉一. 迈耶基金会的成立,夫人. 迈耶 presented The Foundation with a $1 million donation. 她的礼物启动了这个年轻的组织,其动力和热情在我们的社区是无与伦比的.

夫人. 梅耶的领导和慈善精神, 再加上她对学院使命的信念,以及她回馈她深爱的社区的愿望, 代表我们所有人的理想.

She remains the only individual donor whose cumulative giving to MCCC exceeds $1 million. 


夫人去世后. 迈耶在2013年,并在庆祝10th La-Z-Boy中心周年纪念, a performance of Jeff Daniels was dedicated to the life 和 memory of 夫人. 在以她的名字命名的剧院里. 上面这段视频是当晚播放的.

2019年,ccc基金会收到了其20年历史上最大的一笔个人捐款,来自Gary J. 他是当地的商人和慈善家.

During a ceremony at 十大外围app dozens of faculty, staff 和 students surrounded Gary 和 his family as he presented a $1.1 million donation to The Foundation at MCCC in memory of his wife, Patricia A. Vajcner, 和 in tribute to the life they built together. (点击这里观看颁奖典礼的视频.)Gary J. Vajcner

The majority of the gift will be used to enhance student 和 instructional spaces on campus.  The remaining $50,000 will be used to establish the Patricia A. Vajcner纪念奖学金.

感谢你的馈赠, 为了纪念于3月27日去世的Gary Vajcner和他已故的妻子,MCCC将在校园内命名两个主要空间, 2019.

将于2020年秋季开放的东西方科技大楼的中央公共区域将被命名为Gary J. 和Patricia A. Vajcner学术共享. 

The machining suite of the Career Technology Center will be named the Gary J. 和Patricia A. Vajcner数控加工套件.

帕特丽夏A. Vajcner纪念奖学金将为MCCC注册技术贸易课程的学生提供奖学金支持, 优先考虑攻读产品和工艺技术学位或证书的学生. 

“像加里·瓦吉纳这样的捐赠者在提高我们学生的教育体验方面发挥了至关重要的作用, 和, 最终, 有助于他们的成功,” Dr. 中冶集团总裁Kojo Quartey说.  “We are extremely grateful for his generosity to our college 和 the community we serve.”

“Both Patricia 和 I come from very humble beginnings,” said Gary Vajcner.  1964年从当地高中毕业后, 我加入了福特汽车公司, 完成了一个工具和模具学徒,并获得了高地公园社区学院的副学士学位. Patricia worked in retail for several years until the children came along.”

在抚养孩子的过程中, 帕特丽夏·瓦吉纳(Patricia Vajcner)经营了几家家庭企业,后来在布鲁布什路(Bluebush Road)经营了Craft 和 Concrete Village, 雇用10名当地居民, while Gary Vajcner continued to advance in his career at Ford.  从工具室主管退休后, 通过Reese Manufacturing和Draw-Tite的合并,他成为了Draw-Tite Manufacturing的工具室经理.  Upon his second retirement he established his own international consulting firm, Vajcner工具解决方案, 他做了8年手术.  这次冒险使他经常在中国工作.

除了他们对ccc的支持, the Vajcners were major funders of the President James Monroe statue in downtown Monroe, 退伍军人的旗帜项目,以及为拉辛河国家战场公园购买锯木厂. In August, Gary Vajcner bought all three 4-H grant champions at the Monroe County Fair. “在我们的婚姻和一生的伴侣关系中, 帕特丽夏和我参与了房地产投资, 尤其是在门罗,Vajcner说.  “在这个领域取得多年成功后,我们决定开始回馈社区.”

“我们非常强烈地感到,投资这所学院是我们‘把爱传递出去’的一个机会。. 我们想树立一个榜样, 帮助学生充分发挥潜能, 反过来,我们希望我们的捐赠将给予那些受益的人能力和灵感,以自己的捐赠将我们的慷慨传递给下一代,Vajcner解释道.  


“Gary是教育的坚定支持者,重视MCCC提供以学生为中心的学习环境和通过奖学金获得学习机会的承诺,”医生说。. Joshua 迈尔斯说,他是基金会的执行董事 at MCCC.   

“他是美国梦的真正体现.  通过努力工作, 决心和明智的投资, he 和 Patricia rose from modest beginnings to earn prosperity in life.  更重要的是, 虽然, 他发自内心地希望把自己的成功回馈给他的社区,这代表了美国精神的慷慨. This remarkable gift will help future students explore new ideas, 发展新技能,接受教育,使他们既能就业,又能取得成功.”